Complaint policy

We aim to offer our registered patient population a service they are satisfied with; our vision statement is “The service we provide is the service we are happy to receive”. If however, you are dissatisfied with service you receive from any of the Doctors or other member of the practice team please let us know to enable us to resolve the matter. We operate a practice complaints procedure inline with NHS Guidance.

We hope that most problems can be sorted out easily and quickly following a telephone conversation with the Complaints Manager.  they will  help  patient relations work and will try  best to resolve most problems.

We would also ask for your consideration when providing feedback. Feedback is really helpful as it helps us consider ways of improving our service, but we would appreciate some consideration in the way you provide feedback to us. In the same way that someone provided feedback to you in your job or in your raising of a family.

If you do have a problem you would like dealing with in this way please leave your telephone number with a member of our Reception Team

we will call you back within 2-5 working days. Please note we  are unable to speak to patients face to face without a pre-booked appointment.

We aim to investigate within 10-21 working days and respond to the complaint within a further 5-10 days. All complaints are sent to our legal advisors to comment which is why the process takes extra time. This may be even longer in complex situations (for example when many different clinicians were involved) or where care was delivered by other health providers. You may be signposted to complain to the service directly or to other support organisations that can help you with this.

The practice adheres to the strict rules in place relating to patient confidentiality. If you are complaining on behalf of someone else, we have to be assured that you have his or her permission to do so. A consent form signed by the patient concerned will be required by the practice, unless they are incapable (because of illness) of providing this to enable the practice to carry out an investigation.

A copy of the complaint policy is available upon request

Ways you can contact the Surgery
Telephone : 01733 371451
Email :

Date published: 20th May, 2024
Date last updated: 20th May, 2024